Okay, I had time this afternoon to get back to this topic and document this further for you with an example.
If I go to the Invoice Commissions screen and enter 2024-01-11 to 2024-01-18:
I can see Inv 25945.1-1, Inv Date: 1-12-24
Inv 25908.1-1, Inv Date: 1-17-24
-The checkbox to create a voucher no longer appears on the Invoice Commission screen, so I am forced to use the Commissions Breakdown screen for clicking the checkbox to make a voucher.
HOWEVER, the Ordered On dates for these invoices are:
25945.1-1, Ordered On: 2023-11-01
25908.1-1, Ordered On: 2023-11-07
This does not work well as a workaround as I have to search back several months which creates many more lines to sort through. Also, I have to guess at what date to start with to have the earliest Ordered On date for the commissions that need to be paid.
---- It appears the Ship Date filter is filtering by the Ordered On date and needs to be corrected. Please advise.