Lead Time on Quote not Pulling

If you enter a lead time in weeks for a build item on the pop-up screen (accessed through Edit on the Markup Total line), it does not pull over to the quote line. It just puts 0 and you can’t edit the field. Also, if you type a date in Requested Ship Date it doesn’t seem to work, but if you access the calendar and select the date from there it will populate correctly.

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I’ve been having the same issue with the lead time not pulling. Anyone at cetec have a fix for this?

Even, I’m having the same issue. Lead time is not pulling from BOM worksheet to the Quote line. It always comes up as 0. Anyone from cetec kindly help asap.

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Thank you all for bringing this to our attention. We’ll review this with our engineering team, and have a fix out for it as soon as we can.

Thanks again for the feedback everyone. Our engineers are working on a fix for this, and it should get pushed out to everyone some time in the next couple of weeks.

Let us know if you need anything else!