Quality Alert specific for a PRCPart


I’ve discovered that I’m unable to create a Quality Alert for an individual part, only for BOMs. Is that correct?

What should I do if I need to inform my production team or someone else about a specific PRCPart?

Thank you,


Good Morning!

You can indeed generate quality alerts for an individual prcpart record in your environment. This is done via the Part Record on the left hand navigation menu.

Cetec ERP allows you to post quality reports to BOMs on a per-part basis, and below is how to get to the quality alert page for a specific prcpart:

  1. Head over to a prcpart record (i.e. PRT1):

  2. Look at the left hand navigation menu of the prcpart record and locate the Quality+ dropdown:

  3. Click the Quality Alerts hyperlink under the Quality+ dropdown menu. This will redirect you to quality alerts page for that specific part record.

  4. Once you’re on the quality alerts page you can use the ‘Create New Quality Alert’ field to generate your alert:

As you can see I generated a quality alert for the specific prcpart record in the image above.

Here’s some documentation on this specific process in your Cetec ERP environment - How To Publish Quality Alerts On Work Orders

Let me know if you have any questions.
Cetec ERP Support

Good morning @cetecerp21

I’m not sure why, but for individual PRCParts, I can’t locate the Quality Alert hyperlink under the Quality+ dropdown menu.

I can only find it within the BOMs.



Hey Susan,

I believe this is user role related. I checked your user roles and it looks like you don’t have the Quality Admin user role assigned to your profile (QA Admin).

You’ll need to have an admin user grant you that user role, and that should free up the ‘Quality Alerts’ hyperlink specific to prcpart records (the route that I showed you).

Reach out to an admin user, get that setup, and see if you can navigate to prcpart specific quality alerts. If you do awesome you’re good to go there! If not, please reach out and let me know so I can continue working on this for you.

Cetec ERP Support


I am Michalis not Susan!

I am an admin user as well. I assigned the Quality Admin to my profile as well.

However, that didn’t solve the problem.

I can see that option within BOMs but not in individuals PRCParts.



Hey Michalis,

My sincerest apologies there - definitely did not mean to call you Susan.

I’ve logged into your environment and have confirmed you have the roles that I’d expect a user to have that wants to set up quality alerts on a prcpart level.

I’ve gone in and impersonated your user profile as well here, went into one of the components in your environment (this was not a BOM, just a prcpart) and was able to locate the Quality Alerts option from the Quality+ dropdown:

Here’s a link to the specific prcpart record that I was looking at while impersonating your profile - /part/26/inventory?oldversion=1 (I also checked the new version and was able to locate the Quality Alerts hyperlink under Quality+).

Just confirming here, you have Admin access to your environment so I should expect you to be able to set up quality alerts for prcpart’s in your environment. While impersonating you I can see the link required to get to the alert page.

Are you still not able to get there? If so, please let me know as we’ll need to set up a screen share to have you walk me through this on your end.

Cetec ERP Support

Hello @cetecerp21,

This is strange, as I can now access the Quality Alerts as well. Did you assign any new user role?

Nevertheless, it appears the issue is resolved!

Kind regards,


Hey Michalis,

Glad to hear the issue is resolved there! No, I did not assign any new user role to your profile.

Sounds like you’re good to go now, and can assign quality alerts at the component level!

Cetec ERP Support