Quote Statistics Page - 500 Error when "excluding Internal Orders" checked.

Checking out the Sales Quote Statistics Page (…/quote/quote_stats) , I noticed that if you select the “Exclude Intercompany?” checkbox, then the 500 - internal server error page appears…

I’m assuming that in the HTML string “intercompany=1” means that intercompany is “Excluded”?. If you set it to “0”, then it’s included? When set to “0”, the quote stats page works fine.

The html string:



I see this 500 error and I am sending this over to our engineers right away. I’ll get back to you ASAP with an update.


Cetec ERP Support


Our engineers aren’t able to get into you site. Can you allow access so we can resolve this error?


Cetec ERP Support

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Confirming that checking the box for “Exclude Intercompany” now works on the Sales Quote Statistics Page. Thanks!