1099 Forms

I am only getting 2025 as an option for the Print 1099 function for vendors. Can someone correct this so 2024 is given as an option, as well?



I am so sorry you have encountered this issue. I have been able to replicate this issue and I am sending this over to engineering. I will let you know once I have an update. Thanks for your patience as we get this resolved.

-Cetec ERP Support

I decided to go the more manual route to get our 1099 info to our accountant, so just so you are aware this is not a rush for me at this time. Thank you.



Glad to hear this isn’t an urgent issue for you. I’ve done some digging and coordinated with our engineering team and I have some updates for you.

This appears to be a data issue rather than a bug in the code. What I mean by that is Cetec will populate year options in the “Generate 1099 for” field based on every year the vendor has existed in Cetec. It appears your vendors do not have a “created on” date value, so Cetec is only populating the current year into that field.

We would be happy to go in and set a uniform “created on” date for all your vendors if you’d like, which would fix this issue. We would just need the date you want to use and your permission to make that change. Otherwise, you are welcome to add those dates in manually yourself, or if you want our help adding different specific dates for different vendors, I’d be happy to get a quote from engineering for getting that done.

Just let me know how we can help!

-Cetec ERP Support

I looked into this further and I do not understand how this vendor has no “created by” person and no “created on” date. How would they have been able to be entered without a created by or created on date: [Cetec ERP] I also don’t see how I would enter a date manually?

I don’t believe you’re able to edit the created date/user at all. Those are intended as un-moving milestones to use as points of reference, it wouldn’t make sense for them to be editable.

The quickest/easiest thing to so would be to update all of the ones that don’t have it to have a specified created on date, whatever date you went live with Cetec would probably make the most sense if there’s nothing else.

If you did want to provide actual created on dates for each vendor our engineers could write a script to enter those values, that would probably be a few hours of billable work.

As for why those dates aren’t set already, it’s tough to say with any certainty. It could very well have been that those were never set from your initial data import and it had just gone unnoticed until now.

Let us know if you have a blanket date you want to use, or if you’d prefer to move forward with a script.

I spoke to the team and we would like to go the quickest/easiest route and set any vendor that does not have a created on date to the date we went live with Cetec. I am not familiar with our actual live date, but I believe June 4, 2018 is close and that that date could be used. If Cetec has the actual live date they are welcome to use the date they have on record. Thank you!

Thanks @sbeausoleil,

That change has been made in your database, and now any vendors that didn’t already have a created on date will have 2018-06-04. That should allow you to get the 1099s for all of those vendors now.

Have a great day!

It’s kind of odd that your vendors don’t have a created_on date.

If vendors with missing created_on date were imported at go-live date, perhaps you can use imported_date.

If you edit one of those Vendors, what do you see in the upper-right corner? Something like this: