Account reconcile (new version) suggestions

In the new version:

  • status field in table always shows “closed” even when there is an open reconcilation in progress. The old version shows the status correctly.
  • I am able to upload entries, but after they have been uploaded, there’s no way to delete or import new entries (the import button disappears). Importing new entries as needed would help with reconciling more frequently, e.g. once a week.


Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Could you please provide links of examples so that I can replicate?

  • Cetec ERP Support

Right now, I don’t have an open reconciliation. To reproduce it, you go to:
and hit submit. All of the reconcilations show up as closed on the list, even if they are open. The same ones, if you access via:
show up with their correct status.

For the import button question, you click on the blue button “Create New Reconciliation” while at the /bankreconcile/list_new url.
Then import using the red import button, a csv with + for credits and - values for debits for amounts.
After it imports, it displays in the right hand side. But the import button is gone and there’s no way to delete them in case you have made a mistake in importing the wrong entries.

Otherwise, this new reconciliation has been very useful.

Even more useful would be:

  • have a button next to each entry on the left hand table to filter and only show items in the right hand table by amount.
  • hide matched entries (presently you have to keep scrolling up and search one side or the other, or have two windows open so you can see search box)


Thank you so much for bringing this to my attention. The “status field in table always shows “closed” even when there is an open reconciliation in progress” appears to be a New Version issue. I will escalate this issue to our engineering team immediately.

  • Cetec ERP Support

Hi @vikas

Engineering has made a fix for the New Version issue of bank reconciles always appearing as closed. This should take 7-10 days to be deployed into your environment. Please use the Old Version in the meantime. Thanks for bringing this to our attention!

  • Cetec ERP Support

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