Bank Rec Checks & Payments Not adding up

Hi guys!

On my bank rec 84, I had a situation that I needed to adjust payment 10280 that was on the bank reconciliation. I unreconciled it, fixed the problem, but when I went to reconcile it again correctly, it is showing that it is not needed and will make my difference wrong by the amount fo -2007.00. When I add up the total of the cleared amounts for that value, it is off from the top level value by the amount of 2007.00. I am not sure what happened, but it is seems to be showing cleared on the back end, but not on the bank rec. I have tried multiple things of resubmitting, etc to help it cache and even left it for days to see if it would fix. Please advise or help clear it off.



I apologize for the delay on this. Are you still seeing this issue? I checked the reconcile and it showed a difference of 1 cent. Cetec ERP Is that the current issue?


Cetec ERP Support

No, this is not resolved. I realize it shows that it is balanced. The problem is that it is showing balanced without clearing off the payment 10280 which is part of the total in the checks/payments. If you add up all the cleared checks/payments, it is actually $317,359.08, not $319,366.08. If you include the uncleared payment of $2007.00, it would equal the $319,366.08. Does that make sense. I realize it is hard to explain over text, so feel free to contact me.



I heard from engineering and turns out they had a fix for this that they put in your environment. I still want to get steps from you on how the payment was unreconciled but still linked to the reconcile after you made changes.

Could you provide those so I could try and replicate this behavior?


Cetec ERP Support


The only thing I can think of is that I unreconciled it at the payment view when I “Mark As Unpaid.” This is the warning you get “This payment is on Open Account Reconcile 84. Marking it as Unpaid will remove it from the Reconcile. Are you sure you wish to proceed?”

I hope that helps.



Unfortunately I haven’t been able to replicate this issue. Engineering has fixed the issue so please let us know if it comes up again.


Cetec ERP Support

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