BOM Data missing after update

Updated a BOM revision yesterday, now when I attempt to view the BOM today, all I get is 120+ blank lines. How do I recover/restore my data? (ASM3001 Revision 210516-266)

Hey Mike, thanks for posting about this!

It’s a little odd, but it looks like around 8:30am CST you were able to pass 2 updates to that rev that had no data, which overwrote what was there after your changes yesterday:

We think that somehow the update url was entered directly, and that’s what cause the components to get wiped. We’re going to investigate that with our engineering team to try to prevent it from happening in the future.

In the meantime, there’s a tempbom on an order that you should be able to use to get you pretty close, though you may still need to make a few edits to get back to where it was.

Go to [your cetec url]/bomquote/78109/view, select the appropriate Rev, and then click “Commit BOM” to push those components to the permanent BOM Record.