Pulling all the BOM’s for one customer with part list?


Let me get the report that you’re looking for! I’ll get back to you here shortly with what you’re needing.

Cetec ERP Support


Apologies here, but I think I’m going to need more information on what you’re looking for. Are you trying to view all orders that have BOMs for a specific customer? The Part List report allows you to filter per preferred vendor, but I’m not seeing the ability to filter via customers.

If you could provide some details on what you’re trying to accomplish here reporting wise that’d be extremely helpful!

Cetec ERP Support

yes all the BOM’s for a specific customer. Yes
and out of the BOM’s are there similar parts.

Awesome thank you!


My deepest apologies Steve this post somehow got buried in the forum. I’ve dug through some reporting and believe I’ve found something that might get you what you’re looking for.

If you navigate to one of the customer records in your environment and click the ‘Orders’ link in the side navigation menu it’ll pull up all the orders for a specific customer. You can then filter that page via BOM to view all the current BOM’s/Orders in place for said customer.
Ex. /customer/6/orders#

As far as finding similar parts in a BOM that you’re looking for it depends on how you have that set up… if you have Cross Parts set up for prcparts in a BOM you’d need to use the Cross Parts List filtered for that part.
Ex. /part/list_crosses?reloaded=1&cross_search=&cross_type_id=&part_search=&association_search=

If you have PSG’s (Part Spec Groups) set up in your environment there is a report that pulls that PSG information for you found here - /partspec/list?reloaded=1&web_grid_page=1&name=&customer=&tag=&prcpart=

Again Steve I apologize for the delay in this response. I hope the answers provided are what you’re looking for & if they’re not please reach out and let me know. I’ll keep my eyes peeled for a response from you so it’s not missed again.

Cetec ERP Support

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