Bonus Column - Checkbox not working

We added two Bonus Columns to the Part record as Checkboxes (SGI and Rohs-Green Package?). They both appear as expected in the part record, but do not change selection when clicked during part editing.

Hi @gary_beckstedt

Is this for Flip Electronics or Resurgent Manufacturing Services? Would you mind sending me a link to a part record? Could you also elaborate what you mean by “do not change selection when clicked during part editing?” I’m happy to check this out for you.

  • Cetec ERP Support

Hi, and thank you for your reply.

This is for Resurgent Manufacturing Services. The link to an example part is Cetec ERP

There are two checkboxes available when in part edit mode. Clicking either of them does not result in a state change of the checkbox.

Cetec checkbox issue

Hi @gary_beckstedt

The Old Version appears to be working, but the New Version is not. I’m going to make a ticket for you and get this fixed.

Additionally, you are a Support Standard customer, so please email your tickets in the future to - this will ensure a more immediate response. :slight_smile:

I will update you once this is fixed.

  • Cetec ERP Support


I wanted to let you know that this ticket has been escalated to our engineering team.

Cetec ERP Support

Hi @gary_beckstedt

Engineering has fixed this issue. Moving forward, you will be able to check the bonus column buttons in the New Version. Please use the Old Version as a temporary fix in the meantime. The New Version fix should be in your environment sometime next week.

  • Cetec ERP Support

Fantastic! Thank you for your support, and I’ll look forward to seeing the fix in our live environment next week.

You’re welcome!

If you don’t see the fix by next Friday at the latest, please let me know, and I will chase.

Cetec ERP Support

One of my team also just identified that on the ‘New Version’ the Export field has a typo (EECN should be ECCN) and that the information is not pulling into the field. Images below:

Thank you for bringing this to our attention @gary_beckstedt

I will create a ticket and have engineering correct this.

Cetec ERP

Engineering has a fix for this which will deploy when you get 4.15!

Cetec ERP Support