Bookings Report does not display Build orders when All Trans Code is chosen

Could you review to see why the Bookings Report does not display Build orders when All Trans Code is chosen? We are running the report wide open, but it doesn’t display any Build orders
Thank youy!


Are you still having issues with pulling up build orders? I was able to here Cetec ERP

It seems to be working now on the old and the new list.

Please let me know if you are still having issues.


Cetec ERP Support

Thank you very much for checking. Perhaps I am using this report improperly? I am trying to send a POS report to one of our vendors MOL. When I run the report you noted below it only brings up Stock for that vendor even looking at the entire year


That is odd. Could you send me a link to the report so that way I can see which filters you are using? I also don’t believe bookings can be run by vendor only customer.


Cetec ERP Support

Thanks-I will send a link. Do you know how I can get orders booked and take that list and pull out sales that apply to a specific vendor, or is there a POS report for a vendor—either of those? I need to do this for two vendors.


By sales that apply to a specific vendor do you mean the product you bought from them is used on an order? Or are you trying to see how many POs were placed for a vendor? If you could clarify exactly what you are looking for that would be helpful!


Cetec ERP Support

Yes, the product you bought from them is used on an order. I am looking for sales orders where their product will be used. Thanks for your question!