Cannot Create PO in new version... Works fine in old version

I get an error saying something went wrong whenever I try to create a PO using the new version.



Hey Henrick,

I’m currently looking into this issue that you’ve brought up regarding the error that you’re receiving when using the new version.

A few questions here for additional detail:

  1. Are you receiving that error when you go to edit the PQuote using the new version? It looks like that’s the PQuote object and the system is throwing that error when you go to hit ‘Ok’.
  2. Are you running into any other error messages throughout the PQuote object when using the new version? Are you able to add prcparts to the PQuote? Does it error out when you try to convert it over to a PO?

Just trying to see if there’s anything else I should be testing/observing while I build out this test case.

Cetec ERP Support

Yes it is when I go and hit OK after editing the PQuote header.

I am not receiving any other errors.
I.e. I can add prcparts without any problems.
But in order to convert it to a PO I need to add a vendor.

So it is when I try to add a vendor and a PO comment that the error occurs.

So I cannot really try converting it to a PO since I have not added a vendor.
(Well I can hit the button but it will only say that PO conversion is not allowed until all conditions are met)



Hey Henrik,

Thank you for the additional details there and the order of operations that you’ve provided. I’m going to work through this on our end and see if I can get that behavior/error to reproduce.

In the meantime, please continue generating & editing PQuotes using the old version of that object. As you stated that’s still posting those edits into the system like you’d expect so we have a workaround there.

I’ll be in touch with an update once I’ve worked through this and have some results to provide.

Cetec ERP Support


Hey Henrik,

I’ve gone through a backup here and generated a PQuote in the test situation. Below are the steps that I tested through while using the ‘new version’ of the PQuote object:

  1. I hit the edit icon to populate the edit popup page.
  2. I then input a Vendor into the vendor field.
  3. Added a PO comment in the PO Comment field, and hit ‘Submit’.
  4. I then received a success: PQuote Updated alert once the popup page disappeared.

It seems that I’m not running into this issue in the testing environment I have here. Is there any way that you could generate a ‘Test Pquote’ in your environment that I can work with to try and reproduce the issue? Once testing has been run on that PQuote you can go in there and ‘delete’ or ‘close’ out the PO. There wouldn’t be any parts added to the PQuote or anything converted which would impact supply signals.

All I would be doing there is going in, adding a vendor into the ‘test pquote’ that you generated, and applying a PO Comment into it’s respective field. I would also need approval from you that we can go in and apply a vendor & input a PO Comment.

If you can provide approval, and generate that test pquote - send that information my way and I’ll get started on this for you to see if we can reproduce this issue.

Cetec ERP Support


Absolutly can you go in to our environment and test it.

However I am going to have to ask you to create a new pquote from scratch as I cannot even save a template for you as I get an error as soon as I add vendor to the pquote.

If i could ask you to use TESTING FOR CETEC SUPPORT as PO comment and Pquote Comment and please use inventory adjustments as vendor.
i’d appreciate it.

I hereby grant you the autority to use our live environment to create a Pquote and convert it into a PO to see if you can reproduce the error we are seeing.



Hey Henrik,

I’ve gone ahead and generated a PQuote in your live environment (with your approval) here - Cetec ERP

I was required to add a line to the PQuote to convert it over to a PO and I used the FIGQWEET FAKE prcpart that we had used on testing for the other issue that you had (a cost of $0.00 was input into the cost field so that value wasn’t impactful).

I was able to successfully push that over into a PO (Success: PO SB1384.1 Created) here - Cetec ERP

  • This was all done via the old version here to just confirm that the old version is indeed working for you and is a sufficient work around that can be used. Please feel free to close/delete PO 1384.1 at your earliest convenience, as it’s not required for testing any further.

I have reproduced the behavior in your live environment using the new version of the PQuote object though, so good news there. Please make sure to leave PQuote / PO Worksheet 1385
open on your end so I can continue testing with that specific PQuote object for our engineering team.

I’ll generate a ticket internally and get that sent over to them here shortly. Once they send feedback my way I’ll be in touch with an update to you here.

Cetec ERP Support


Hey Henrik,

We know what’s causing that error to populate on your PQuote object for the new version. It’s isolated to the new version not populating a default Terms code to the header before you try to edit it.

I swapped the Terms code on the PQuote head (new version) over to NET30 and was able to update the PQuote header object without any issues - Cetec ERP

If you go into your 9terms data maintenance table here - /tablemaint/9TERMS/edit (input that after .com on your URL) and select a ‘Default Option’ under that table it will no longer throw errors when you go to create PQuotes using the new version.

If you want to try this, generate a new PQuote using the new version, make sure the Terms field on your Pquote is set to NET30 and input the vendor of your choice. You’ll see it now updates like you’d expect. Setting NET30 as the default on your 9terms DM table will always push that terms code to your PQuote so you don’t have to manually set that every time.

Cetec ERP Support

Just wanted to confirm that this is solved and works as intended.



Hey Henrik,

Great news here, thank you for the followup. I’ll be closing this ticket thread on our end moving forward.

Cetec ERP Support