Change Color of Time Bars?

Is it possible to change the colors of the time bars in a work order? On my monitor the two are almost imperceivably similar.

Hey Josh,

Could you provide a screen shot of the time bar’s you’re referencing in this post? I’ll need to see what you’re wanting to change, and if this is something that we can do on our end. Once you get that screen shot sent over I’ll look into it and see what we can do!

Cetec ERP Support

Hey Josh,

That’s not something we can currently do, but is not out of the question. I’ll take this to our product management & engineering teams as a potential request to take into consideration. I apologize for any inconvenience this is currently causing, but as of right now the best I can do is coordinate with our team internally and bring this up for consideration.

Cetec ERP Support

Thanks for the consideration either way!
Tangential suggestion would be having options for color scheme across all pages, but thats a wishlist item.

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