Disable Auto Email Notifications to Customer / Invoice Default Columns

How can I disable auto email notifications to the customer?

I recently refreshed our customer list with updated information and now many customers, when invoiced, are automatically being sent invoices without our designated formatting (we hide specific columns and this is the way our entire team has it set). This is troublesome because our customers are confused by certain columns that they should not see (some bonus columns that are not useful for invoice).

I was referred to the following documentation How To Send Automatic Invoice Notifications but this does not show how to DISABLE automatic notifications being created. It seems that any customer that has an email in their record has this set, so it looks that I have no choice but to go to each of our customers manually > Notifications > and delete the automatic notification. We never want them to be sent automatically because our Sales team sends these out with additional documents (which are different per customer, per order, etc.).

Additionally, how can I set a global setting for default Invoice columns? Then, per order, our sales team can add or remove columns as desired but I want there to set some default columns. Please let me know, thanks. Per Cetec documentation I can do this by changing the ‘Default User ID’ config setting, but even once I set that up (i.e. setting it to myself, ‘tej’), the other management/admins are still seeing their own settings.

Hey Tej,

You should be able to go to the customer record, left side menu, notifications, and delete the notification.

For the config ‘Default User ID’ set your user ID number, not your username. You can find your ID number on the user list.

Let me know if this clears up those issues for you.


Cetec ERP Support

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