Document Uploading Failed

We’re encountering an issue after the update to revision 4.15.10. When uploading a document in Receipt → Document, a red line appears during the upload.

After refreshing the page, the system shows that the document has been uploaded to the Receipt Document section.

However, when we try to open the document, we receive an error message: “70006.json - file wasn’t available on site.”

Could you please assist with this issue?
Rana Muneeb

We are having the same issue, but we are also having an issue with older documents not being available and giving us a {“error”:“Document 146257 not found in filesystem”}. Please advise.

@kellym @rana826

I am going to escalate the issue with the documents not being able to be uploaded to engineering. I will get back to you ASAP with an update.


Cetec ERP Support

Thank you for your response. I appreciate you escalating the issue to engineering. However, I kindly ask that this matter be resolved as soon as possible, as it’s already caused significant delays. We upload documents for every receipt, and this issue has left us unable to proceed with a large volume of pending work.
Rana muneeb

I appreciate your assistance so far, but I’d like to share some feedback. Certain issues, like the one we’re currently facing, are critical and prevent our system from functioning properly. In this case, our receiving department is unable to upload documents for every receipt, and our accounting department is stuck because they cannot view documents before making payments to vendors. This has severely impacted our operations.

Unfortunately, it took 11 days to get a response, and we’ve been facing this issue since the 4.15 version update.

I’d like to suggest implementing an urgent category in the community forum for high-priority issues, where responses are provided within 24 to 48 hours. This would help address serious problems like ours in a timely manner.

Thank you for considering this suggestion. We look forward to the resolution of our current issue as soon as possible.

Rana Muneeb

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This issue has been resolved by engineering and you can now upload documents.

I want to apologize for the delay on an answer for your issue. I understand the frustration but our standard and enterprise customers take precedence over the forum. We don’t guarantee a response time on the forum which can lead to delays. We do our best to answer in a timely manner but don’t always have the capacity for a quick response time. We won’t be able to make a separate category for urgent issues as that won’t be feasible since we can’t guarantee a 24 hour to 48 hour response time.

Lite Support is detailed on the website here:


Cetec ERP Support

Thanks, Issue resolve.
Rana Muneeb