Exporting reports

Please can you let me know why exporting a report from CETEC results in different data being shown on the exported excel file to what appears on the CETEC screen. I’ve attached two screenshots, one shows the report in CETEC, the other shows the exported file from that report - the information is different. This causes issues when using the exported reports to report back to our client. This happens often
You can see the QR and QOO columns vary but should be identical.


Can you tell me which report you are referring too? This shouldn’t be happening but we would need to do some testing so our engineers can fix the issue.


Cetec ERP Support

This was the historical demand report, but also happens if I run a parts list report.


Just to clarify is this on the new version or the old version of these reports?


Cetec ERP Support

This was the old version


Thank you for clarifying! Can you tell me what filters you used when running the historical demand report? I exported the whole list and it seemed to be fine for the first few. I just want to be sure I’m seeing what you are seeing.


Cetec ERP Support

Hi yes sometimes the reports are fine - it tends to be the first report or two that gets run after we’ve made any changes - such as adding a pending PO or receiving in a PO. Sometimes I can run the report a couple of times and each time more of the information will update - and then eventually the download will match the actual CETEC info. THen reports will be fine until the next time any information changes. This isn’t a new situation, it’s just that I havn’t reported it before because I thought maybe it had something do do with syncing, time difference etc.


I haven’t been able to reproduce this so a few more questions on this. Do you normally open the report after you receive or do you already have it open then refresh? Do you refresh? Is the data right on the report but not on the export? I believe you said that already but just to clarify. Does it seem to happen to specific parts? Any other info you can give me to help narrow down the issue would be super helpful!


Cetec ERP Support

I normally receive in and then open report (it’s not just after receiving in, quantities can be shown as different after shipping orders etc - ie it will reflect quantities in the QR column even when all orders have been shipped). Yes, the data is right on the report but not on the export. I have two computer screens and can have CETEC open on one and the excel report on the other and they are different.
I think maybe best way forward is next time this happens I note exactly what I was doing, the process etc and let you know straight away so you have more chance of working it out.


Thank you for the details! Yes the best course of action would be to tell me as soon as this happens again so that way I can try and replicate the issue.


Cetec ERP Support

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