How do I change the "owning" salesperson on an open order?

I have an open order in CETEC that needs to be allocated to a salesperson that is different from the one that put the order in. Is there a way to change this in the Order stage?


I’m looking into this for you. The most common way to assign an order to another person is to use the order workflow in the top right of the order screen:


Here’s some more information on workflows from our website, in case that’s helpful to you here:

But to clarify, are you most concerned here with where commissions are going, or is this more about who has ownership over the order?

Cetec ERP Support

I am more concerned about where the commission is going

In that case, yes, you’d want to set up sales commissions, which are handled separately from the workflow. In other words, the commission is assigned independent of who entered the order in Cetec.

We’re in the process of creating an updated tutorial (which should appear on our YouTube channel and website within the next week or two), but for now, this how to provides a good overview of the steps:

Just let us know if you need any further help here!

Late happy Thanksgiving,
Cetec ERP Support

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