How to Pick Parts on Orders

We are currently working with the Demo and I am having some difficulty with picking parts for an order. I took a look at the video “How to Pick and Dekit Parts on Orders in Cetec ERP” ( but the screens shown do not look like what I am seeing in the application.

Here is the video screenshot:

And this is what I see:

I can’t do a “pick all” and can’t choose which bin to pull from. After I manually allocate all of the parts and click “Update” a pop up tells me that “Part Pick Recorded”. When I go back into the Work Order, it shows that nothing has been allocated.

Am I going about this the wrong way?

Since we cannot see the bottom of the page I cannot judge if the "pick all " link is there or not.
But If you say it is not there I will have to belive you.
It looks as if you have serialnumbers activated on your parts… Is that correct?
Does it have something to do with that? Maybe pick all is not possible if you need to set the serial on each part.
Do you need serial numbers on each part?
Here is how it looks for us.

Hrrm. Not sure what this issue was. Serial numbers were not on for these parts, but when I came in this morning and opened the Work Order, my screen displayed correctly and allowed me to pick the parts:

Server hiccup?

Thanks for your input on this @sisyfos


I am not sure why your screen was displaying this way but it seems to be correct now. Please let us know if this ever happens again.


Cetec ERP Support