When you want to load pack size and MOQ for a part number, which do you choose in warehouse the Std Pack or Purchasing/Build Std Pack or MOQ or Purchasing/Build MOQ. We want to know which field to use so it will allow us to only enter is standard pack multiples.


Apologies for the delay on this. If you are wanting to have a minimum order qty that would be the MOQ field which will prevent you from entering less than the MOQ on a quote. For example if you set that to 8 it won’t allow you to order less than 8. Does that sound like what you are needing?


Cetec ERP Support

Thank you but what about the SPQ ?


We have a blog on this here: Cloud Business Cases: Standard Packing QTY

You can set it up and set the config setting quote_enforce_qty_min_multi to 1 in order to stop sales of qty less than the std packing qty.

Please let me know if you have more questions.


Cetec ERP Support

where would the MOQ for factory/vendor orders and the SPQ for customer orders go?


MOQ for factory/vendor orders would be Purchasing/Build MOQ and SPQ for customer orders is just Std Package.

Please let me know if you have more questions.


Cetec ERP Support

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