Incorrect but correct QOH

When we look at the components of SUB22673, certain components have a misleading QOH. For instance, BOM line 22 for RAW21908 shows 8 on hand but 50 as QOO. In reality when we expand the part info, there are 58 QOH as the 50 were received a week ago.

This error seems to be across the board for parts on PO 3043.1

Please advise if there is a PO error, system error, or some step we are missing along the way as all the other parts seem to be behaving normally.

We re-ran MRP to see if it would clear things up but it did not.


Could you provide a link to an example PO of this? From first glance, it looks like it could be a caching issue. As you may know, Cetec runs an update for cached values nightly for all environments, which means that reports such as these may not be showing real-time data.

Cetec ERP Support

Looks like some of this is caching related but the period may be longer than nightly.

Parts were received 9 Feb 2024 to close out PO 3043.1 (i posted issue on 14 Feb 2024)

The QOH (when hovering) still shows QOO = 50 but 58 QOH even after forcing a cache refres.