Inv value report part QOH not matching up

I have found three parts that prior to the 2021 update looks to have over consumed parts bin that was actually in them. how do I get the database line fixed as it looks like they changed a receipt and did an adjustment also creating a hidden value that is not seen on the UI?


Could you send a link to the parts in question, and any information showing the overconsumption? I can then have one of our engineers review it and get back to you with a solution.


Cetec ERP Support

the three parts are:
RAW10060 - Parts (
RAW10059 - Parts (
RAW10015 - Parts (

there QOH count does not match the below report and looking through them it shows bins that do not zero out on consumption in historical data but are not on live part.
Parts - Reports (

Do you know when the warehouse ‘SV’ was deleted?


Cetec ERP Support

from asking around no one is sure when it was deleted but was used temporarily. we should only have parts counts in our main warehouse.


Upon speaking with engineering, the quantity shown on that report is a running total of inventory activity (whereas everywhere else QOH is a bin amount)

I focused on your first part example, and we were able to narrow down where the issue may have happened:

We suspect an inventory adjustment with the wrong reason text if you review these.


Cetec ERP Support

how do i adjust the parts for the Inventory report count but not affect the QOH for the actual part? this way i can correct the mistake in the historical entries.