Is it possible to Change trans code on a commited order?

We accidently commited an order with transcode set to Build when we really wanted it to be stock.
We tried to Edit the order by changing all lines to Stock however it does not seem to stick.
Is that by design or is it a bug?

It would have been nice if it was possible to change it even after pressing commit to order the first time.

The only way we have found to get around this is to close the order and then go into quote list and choose to show closed/cancelled and bring the up the closed order and then clone it and then change the Trans code and then submit it again.

Seems like a unnecessarily long way to go…Or?

// regards


Good Morning!

There is a way to change the transcode of an order that’s been commit from a quote. I’ve done some testing on this particular request and it did indeed stick in our environment.

Could you send over a hyperlink to your login page or provide your company’s name so I can test this on your end?

Cetec ERP Support

Ok… I have done some more testing and I realize that I have been fooled by a diffrent behaviour in the quantity to ship.

It is as you say that the trans code does change when you update the order.
But you have to set the quantity to ship before any of the bins containing your product will be visible.
I was not paying enough attention to what the system actually was telling me.
When the transcode was BUILD i was supposed to pick PRC SNC…
Then the system sets the quantity to ship automatically and displays the bins.
But as I had no SNC’s of course no bins were showing.
But when I changed transcode to stock I was of course supposed to pick PRC FIG…
But no BIN’s were showing so I misstakenly thought it was looking for SNC’s again.

But the reason no FIG’s were showing was because I had not filled in the quantity to ship… as you do not have to do that for trans code build.
Of course there is a text saying that I have to set the quantity to ship… But I was not paying enough attention.

Sorry for wasting your time.
I will try to do better in the future… system works fine!

But if I could make a wish … i’d wish that the quantity to ship defaulted to full shipment even when you change to stock order.



Good Morning,

You do indeed need to set the Ship Qty on the Invoice/Ship screen of the stock order. The value input into the Ship Qty field on the Invoice/Ship screen is what drives the pick parts qty need value.

This is only in place for stock orders, and that’s intended system functionality there. Just know going forward for your stock orders that you convert over from a build… you’ll need to set that ship qty first then go pick that to fulfill the order.

Apologies for any inconvenience there, but that is intended functionality.

Cetec ERP Support