Labor rate

When I make a work order sometimes I need the labor rate to be $52.50 and also sometimes I need it to change to $74.50 for a different work order. How do I go about having two labor rates for a work order?


Unfortunately you can’t adjust the labor rate for a specific work order. It pulls from that ordline status. If you are wanting to have the same part with the same labor plan to be able to change labor rate that is currently not supported. What exactly is your hope for the functionality? We could look into maybe another solution if you could tell us what you are hoping to accomplish.


Cetec ERP Support

I would like to have a location with a different labor rate or a part that can have a different labor rate on it.


You are able to change a location’s labor rate to a different amount than the rest. You can also create a new location if you are needing a new one with a different labor rate. Labor rate cannot be set on the part level so that unfortunately is not a solution.


Cetec ERP Support

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