License Plate print out

Order number 53.1
Prcpart: A21011-A08-454
I created a labor plan and printed the License Plate out and it is not showing the 7th line on the print.

Also there is no :printer: BUTTON on the License plate


I reviewed the order specific labor plan and saw only the 5 locations, WIRE (HOLE POP), WIRE (MITSUBISHI MV 1200) 1, SURFACE GRINDER 12" (MITSUI) 1, WIRE (MITSUBISHI MV 1200) 2, and SURFACE GRINDER 12" (MITSUI) 2, listed in the labor plan. I reviewed the Part Specific Labor plan, however, and saw the two new additional locations, MILL (CNC ROKU) and SINK MITSUBISHI 1. Editing the order specific labor plan will cause the two new locations to populate on the order specific labor plan.

Also, I do not believe there is a printer button within most documents. I recommend utilizing the CTRL + P keyboard shortcut or right clicking and selecting “print” from the menu.

Please let us know if you have any questions!

How do i fix this to show on the plate and also in the Workorder?

Hi @rcheremeh,

Editing the order specific labor plan (rather than the part’s labor plan) will affect the plate and workorder. It looks like this order was created before the part’s labor plan was edited, which is why the part and the order have differing labor plans. If you need to edit multiple orders to reflect this part’s updated labor plan, a Revision Change ECO may be in order.

  1. How do i navigate to the specific labor plan?
    We use this video to create our labor plan: How to Create a Labor Plan (Traveler) in Cetec ERP - YouTube

  2. We are having another issue where the production user cant see the order 53.1 and the parts PRCPART: A21011-A08-454 & A21011-A08-453

  3. What is the difference between the Red and the and other colors?

Hey @rcheremeh,

You can navigate to the order specific labor plan by going to the Order, clicking into the ordline (or workorder view), on the left hand nav menu click Maint+, and in the dropdown menu you should see ‘Labor Plan Management’. Click that link and that’ll take you to the Order Specific Labor Plan for that workorder.

Does that user by chance have the ‘Production Only’ user role assigned to them? If so production only users don’t have access to view Orders, the only access they have is the ability to view workorders.

The difference in the coloring is driven by the Work Start Date on that report. All of the rows currently showing red have a Work Start Date that has already passed - if they’re yellow that means your work start date is approaching, and if they’re white there is an ample amount of days between the work start days and today’s date.

Let me know if you have any other questions.
Cetec ERP Support

(A) DSO-08-063-R1-A03-401
(A) DSO-08-063-R1-A03-493-RA

we created a labor plan tried to print the plate and it is not showing what we created on the plate

It is saying they don’t have access to this part.

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