load time

Our project window takes a while to load and I’m curious if there is anything you guys can take a look at.


What sort of load times are you seeing? It took me 69 seconds to load the project screen which isn’t out of the question especially as you have a few projects and some of them will have a lot of data attached.


Cetec ERP Support

i have guys saying it takes 4 mins and i have seen it take long than that myself


I was able to load it at 18 seconds this time. Unfortunately without being able to see the slow load time myself it makes it hard to have engineering fix it. Is it only happening when you load the main page? Is it specific projects? Are all of your users having issues?


Cetec ERP Support

The project list. I get complains from the people that visits the pages the most the managers
I just opened it on my personal and work computer and it took 42secs and 49 secs to load.
Some of the guys told me they are getting 1 -2 mins long sometimes


I will escalate this to engineering and get back to you.


Cetec ERP Support


It would be recommended for you to use the new version of the project list: Cetec ERP This version of the list is much faster.


Cetec ERP Support

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