Local Time Zone Feature

Hello Cetec ERP Support,

I am requesting Cetec to allow a feature that lets users set a time zone in their instance.

I see @rcheremeh posted the same request in December 2023 (Time Zone - #2 by cetecerp21) - I have the same request. Given it has been a year since the past request I am asking again. We work in EST and it would make the timestamps very useful if we could have them in our instance.

Could this please be introduced?


There are two ways to “set” a time zone. On a resident hosted server, we are able to set the time zone to the company’s preference. (Note: this time zone would reflect company-wide, regardless of a user’s location.) The second way is to edit the user profile to reflect a user specific time zone, which in many cases will convert the time zone for you.

However, as you noted, time zones cannot be customized on a cloud hosted server.

That’s what I thought regarding cloud-hosted server instances such as ours. I don’t think this is a very difficult thing for Cetec to do for instances not in the same time zone as where the servers are.

Requesting a feature implementation that allows Cetec cloud-hosted instances to change their time zone. I think the time zone on ours is in CST so it would simply be adding +1 hours to make it into our time zone (EST).