Logo on work instructions printable version is not correct


The printable version of work instruction shows cetecerp logo. We would like to see our company logo. Kindly fix this.

Best Regards,

Can you provide us a link to the page where you’re selecting the work instructions to be printed? We’ve done a little looking and aren’t seeing any of the docs in your environment that are using the Cetec logo.
If you can get us a link, we’d be happy to get that cleared up for you.


Please find below link for one item. It is the same for all parts.



@asad That is odd, thanks for pointing that out.

We’ll get that taken care of, and update you about it ASAP.

@asad Thanks again for pointing that out to us. Our engineers were able to find a fix for it, and it will go it with the next Cetec release around mid January.