Manager or Admin access required

Every time I log in, I get an error message that says “Manager or Admin Access Required”
Any chance there’s a way to make that stop?


This just happens once you log in? That is strange as you are an admin in your system. Is it just on the home screen?


Cetec ERP Support

Yes, it only comes up when I login, and only the one time on my home screen.
Yes, I’m an Admin, manager, etc.


When I impersonate your user I don’t get that error. Is it preventing you from doing anything in the system? I’m not sure what’s causing that error and since I can’t replicate I don’t have anything to take to engineering.


Cetec ERP Support

No, that’s the odd thing. It doesn’t prevent me from doing anything, it doesn’t seem to be anything but a window that pops up everytime I log in. I haven’t found there to be any actual problem, I just see that message it every morning and close it.


I took another look at this and it looks like your user profile is set to redirect to a dashboard page: Cetec ERP If you remove that link the error shouldn’t appear anymore.


Cetec ERP Support