Negative Resale value in Quote


when creating a quote, sometimes we add multiple line items with negative resale value to show the breakdown of discounts applied to the order.

This works when we first add the line item. However, if we go back to edit the same line item (e.g. add a comment, or change amount), CETEC would force the resale value to a positive value.

Our current way around this is to delete the line item and add a new line.

I believe this is a bug, please investigate. Thank you.


Interesting, thanks for bringing this to our attention! We’ll get this over to our engineering team, and try to get a fix in the works ASAP.

@ace_support Our engineers were able to figure out what was happening there, and we should be pushing a fix out to you with a patch update at some point in the next couple of weeks.

In the meantime you’ll have to continue using your workaround of deleting/adding a line when you have to make an edit to that discount line.