notification Quote

Can I get a quote for a notification system when a line or PO is received?
We tried part notification but it’s not working how we would like.

How would you like it to work for you? I would be happy to give you a quote from engineering, but these notifications are the best way to get notifications for parts being received:

Cetec ERP Support Team

The notification system doesnt seem to work after trying to receive parts in.
I used this part as a test and none of the email received notification

Can we please get a response on why notification system isn’t working


Sometimes emails don’t get delivered to the user if the password changes for the email and doesn’t get updated in the user profile. I would first check all of those and test the part notification again.

Unfortunately, our test environments intentionally have email notifications disabled. However, we do see that notifications are being sent.

Cetec ERP Support Team