outsource vendor lead time schedule

I’m trying to understand why my outsourced vendor schedule doesn’t reflect the lead time attributed in the labor plan. In this example, 387.1-5 has a labor plan that says it will be at meadville plating for a lead time of 1 day. When the line is scheduled that 1 day lead time turns into 6 days of mostly 7 hour incriments. I see we have the capacity for that vendor set at 7 hours which explains why the incriments are 7 hours but why does it total to 35 hours. Why isn’t it just 1 day lead time…

Checking in on this. Any updates?


Apologies for the delay on this. I will look into this and see why these numbers are showing up incorrectly and get back to you.


Cetec ERP Support


After looking into this more it looks like your outsource unit isn’t set to days. This is set via a config setting called Outsource Leadtime Unit and you can set that to days. That will fix your issue.


Cetec ERP Support

that seems to have worked, thank you.

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