Part number seach

I noticed this morning when I did a search for some bearings that we have in stock and on order they did not populate in my search. The generic part number is SFR2ZZ and is P/N JBC SFR2ZZA3K25 SRL. When I repeat my search placing a space before the part number it when then populate.

Without space - Cetec ERP

With space before part number - Cetec ERP

Hi John!

Thank you for your question! In that case you can always use a wildcard character at the beginning of your search term like so… %SFR2ZZ. The wild card will match the term with any characters before it.


Still did not work in the old version.

Hi John,

I see the part JBC SFR2ZZA3K25 SRL in the first page of the search results you’ve linked there.


We are still getting false results when checking stock and printing inventory lists. Why is it sowing stock when the inventory was sold and invoiced several days if not weeks ago!

Hi John,

Can you send a specific link that you’re looking at? I might be misunderstanding your problem. Remember that when you search for a part on the part list it will search against both the prcpart and also the part description, so any parts with that generic part number in the description will come up as well.

When you say that you’re seeing stock for something that has shipped can you be more specific? Any shipment should have relieved inventory when it was picked on the order.

Thank you!

This happened multiple times. Searching for parts using the old version it doesn’t even show some parts. In this specific part the PRC P/N is RAD RM32H and was sold on June 29, 2023. On Tuesday when I did a stock check it showed 4 pieces in stock. When I printed our inventory list on October 3, 2023 it shows 4 pieces in stock. I can send you a copy of the report if you want to see the entire list. Here is line 3179 - 3184 of the report.

INA HK1212 4
NBR HK5520 4
NTN HMK1225 4
PEE UC203-11 4

As you can see P/N RAD RM32H shows 4 pieces and as I said these 4 pieces were invoiced on June 29, 2023. I can do a generic search using the old version for P/N SFR2ZZ and it will not show JBC SFR2ZZA3K25 SRL and we have 5,660 pieces in stock. Using the new version it does show.

In the example from several days ago, did you notice that the generic search term returns two pages of results? The one you were looking for JBC SFR2ZZA3K25 SRL was on the first page.

As for RAD RM32H I’ll take a closer look at the orders for that part and make sure inventory was properly adjusted.

Thank you for letting us know about this!

Hi John,

Can you show the header line of your report? Are you sure that’s the Quantity on Hand and not the number of documents? When I look at your part list filtered for RAD RM32H I get one result and no quantity in inventory.

Thank you!

When I do a search using the old version for the JBC SFR2ZZA3K25 SRL it does not appear for me.

I can send you a PDF of the pages

Unhide the prcpart column and click on the prcpart header to sort the page by prcpart. You can also select View All in order to view all 32 results on a single page rather than having 25 results per page.

The problem with part search continues. Searching for SFR2ZZ using the old version still does not return JBC SFR2ZZA3K25 SRL

Hi @johnmiller,

Visiting the link you provided, “JBC SFR2ZZA3K25 SRL” is the 6th result of the 32 results shown on our end.

Assuming you’re getting the same total number of results, it is highly unlikely that part isn’t among them.

If you are seeing a different number of results, there may be some other factor at play here. Otherwise this seems like it may be more related to either 1) the way you have the list sorted or 2) the columns you have shown/hidden that are causing you to not immediately recognize that part as being among the results.

If you are continuing to have issues with this, could you perhaps provide some additional details about what you’re expecting to see that you aren’t? Or maybe trying to explain your issue from a different perspective might help overcome whatever miscommunication may be happening.

Thank you!

I am getting the same number of results and it isn’t among them. When I type SFR2ZZ in the Prcpart/Description box it appears in the drop down list but when I hit enter to display all it is not listed. Be happy to send you screen shots!


Since this conversation has been going back and forth for awhile and we want to make sure we clearly understand what you’re seeing, one of our support representatives is going to email you to see about setting up an online meeting where we can see your screen as you click through and enter search terms.

Look for that email coming soon.

Cetec ERP Support

A note to update this thread: John and I just met on Google Meet and he showed me the old version Part List search. He typed SFR2zz into the Prcpart/Description field and clicked Submit. We looked at both pages of the report and didn’t see the part he was looking for, JBC SFR2ZZA3K25 SRL.

I asked him to click the PRC column title to sort alphabetically, and not only did the list get alphabetized, but JBC SFR2ZZA3K25 SRL showed up on the report.

Fixed for now, but I’ll also follow up with the engineers in case there’s anything else John needs to know going forward. John, I’m sure this has been frustrating, and I’m sorry you’ve been running into issues here. Of course let us know if you need further help on this.

New update: John let us know about a new issue. We’re looking into this with our engineering team.

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