I’ve been looking into ways to incorporate something that will allow me to build and invoice a finished good with alternative parts and need help.
The crosses feature seems to only be for reference and I looked into part spec groups but when I select the group for the specific part I cannot pull the other parts that I’ve included in the spec group.
I need to be able to to pull inventory for multiple alternatives in a build. For example, my build is 6000 and to build it I need 6000 of PART A but for inventory I have 3000 PART A and 3000 PART A1 both are interchangeable parts but are purchased differently. Is there a way to combine both when building because as it stands now I cannot build the finished good without adding more inventory of PART A but that would leave me with 3000 of PART A1 sitting in stock and not being flushed out, skewing inventory count and total inventory value.
It almost like I need a way to see sub items when picking parts for the build to fulfill needed quantity. Similar to how you can select which BIN your inventory is coming from. Like PART A is the main component and below you something like this…