Please help. API no longer working properly since update.

Since the recent update, my orders coming in through my website are not being created in Cetec. The Customer is being created, a shipping address is showing up, then nothing past that. The billing address is not being created and the actual quote is not being generated.
Can anyone help? Nothing has changed on the API information being fed in to Cetec at all. Suddenly, it seems to be faulting out.

It appears since you have added “county” to the address fields the API now fails, and the API documentation does not show how to work around it.

Quote Creation Errors: In call to Cetec::Reboot::Schema::Result::Customer::update_or_create_address(), does not take county as named argument(s) at /home/Cetec-ERP/lib/Cetec/Reboot/Schema/ResultSet/ line 801.

I have posted this in your other help section days ago with no response.


Our engineering team took a look and fixed how it was reading. Can you test it out for us and let us know?

Cetec ERP Support Team

It appears to be working now.
Thank you.


Thank you for your patience and for letting us know.

Cetec ERP Support Team


This was working for part of a day, and now is back to the same error.
Quote Creation Errors: In call to Cetec::Reboot::Schema::Result::Customer::update_or_create_address(), does not take county as named argument(s) at /home/Cetec-ERP/lib/Cetec/Reboot/Schema/ResultSet/ line 801.


The fix should be deployed now. Let us know if it messes up again.

Cetec ERP Support Team