Possible to separate "Actual Ship date" from "Invoice Date" in Metrics Calc?

Our business processes doesn’t always allow us to create the “invoice” the same day the actual item ships. When determining “on-time” delivery, I believe CETEC uses the “invoice date” as the “Actual ship date” and when we don’t “create invoice” the exact day we’re suppose to ship, we’re considered late.

Is there a way to separate the actual date the package is shipped from the “invoice date” so that we can better track on-time delivery? and not have it be at the whim of our finance dept. timing for creating and sending out the invoice? in which case, we’re on-time delivery metric suffers even though we ship product on time?

Hello @regisphilbin, not 100% sure we currently have a way to mark an order/line as shipped without invoicing. Let us do some digging here and we’ll get back to you once we have some more information.