Price Adjustment Credit Memo to Client

Good afternoon,

We need to credit a customer for a price discrepancy. What is the best method to provide a credit to the customer for the change in price and to document it properly while including the sales tax rate?

Thank you,



The best method would be to create a credit memo. You can navigate there by going to Accounting> A/R> Credit memo list. There you can hit create and add the customer who you want to credit. There is also a way to add tax so you can add the same percentage of tax that you have on the order. You can do the difference then add the tax so it will be correct.

Please let me know if you have more questions.


Cetec ERP Support

Thank you but this is not tracked back to the invoice and adjusting commissions based on the GP$ on the invoice.


I am going to escalate this internally and get you the best answer here.


Cetec ERP Support


Are you able to edit the invoice? There are areas for the lines that are called original cost and original resale. You would be able to edit those fields and then edit your resale and cost.

Please let me know if you aren’t able to edit the invoice.


Cetec ERP Support

It does not seem to be allowing us to make those changes since the customer already paid the invoice. Next steps?

Edit - Invoice 2223.1-1 (


The best way to do this would be to reopen the deposit and then the payment so that you can edit the invoice. Then you can redo the payment with the same dates and then close the deposit again.

Let me know if you need more detailed steps.


Cetec ERP Support

Is there anyway to write a direct credit and have it show up on the commission report?


Unfortunately there isn’t a way to have anything show up on the commission report without it being attached to an invoice. It has to be attached to an object in this case an invoice because it only shows invoice commissions on the Invoice Commission Report.


Cetec ERP Support

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