Project Cost

Is there a way to add the purchased cost to the cost vs total bar in the project screen?
We considered adjusting the GL mapping to combine cost, purchased, and labor, but we are unsure how to do that.

Good morning,

I’m going to check with our engineers about this, and see what the best option, if any, would be in order to add the Total Purchased value to the Net Cost on the Cost vs Target bar.

I’ll update you when I hear back from them.

Cetec ERP Support

Good morning @rcheremeh ,

Thank you for your suggestion on potential updated features. Our engineering team has taken note of this and is considering this for future development.

Best Regards,
Cetec ERP Support

would we be able to get a quote for this and see the pricing?

Is there any plan to implement this feature in the upcoming updates?

Currently you have labor cost but no labor hours

Hey @rcheremeh

Would you mind submitting this through our ticketing system today? I’ll escalate this directly to our development team for you. I’ll be able to get you a quicker answer that way. I just wanted to steer you that way since JST is Standard Support!

  • Cetec ERP Support