Purchase order -Line item closed before completely received.

We have a large PO in which we have outstanding qty of parts to receive on various lines and i’m not sure what happened but some of the line Status has been changed from “Open” to “closed”. how did this happen? Can we revert the line to “open” as we have lots of parts to receive still…

Link to specific PO:(…/purchaseorder/5301/view)

see attached image…

in this PO, line items 2, 4, were accidentally / immaturely / improperly closed


I am looking into this now and will get back to you ASAP with an update.


Cetec ERP Support


There isn’t a way to reopen a closed line on a PO. What you can do is go into the edit screen and add a new line for that same part with your remaining qty. You can also change the qty on the closed line so that it shows 0 and not the amount still left to receive. It’s possible what happened was someone went in and changed the qty on the closed line so it showed qty still needed to receive. Because you can change the qty after the line is closed that could have happened.

If you have more examples of this and reproducible steps feel free to send that over but currently we can’t reproduce the issue.

Let me know if you have more questions.


Cetec ERP Support

how did the line become closed to begin with? is there any way to look at the history of the user actions on this PO?


You can use usage logs by going to Admin> Logs> Usage Logs. You just take the end of the url of the purchase order /purchaseorder/5301/ and drop it into the url box. You can search through and see what happened. I’m not sure how it became closed in the first place. If this happens again please send over that example but I wasn’t able to replicate it when testing before.


Cetec ERP Support

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