We have recently had trouble with a larger percentage of our quote emails going into customer’s SPAM Boxes. We are currently using the outbound@CetecERP.com email. Each of our sales reps have individual company emails. Is there a tutorial showing how set up emailing through those emails. Our company emails are microsoft 365/ exchange.
Try going to Admin >> Config Settings >> Email Settings
Then find the “email_from_address” and remove the outbound@cetecerp.com value and change that to a company-wide email address like sales@**tools.com. And click Set.
Despite what the description/warning says (“do not change this unless”) - give that a test and see if it fixes it.
Thank you we will test this.
We have been testing this and now no emails are going through. They are all being flagged as spam and caught in firewalls. Do you have recommendations on how to fix this?
@Joe - probably best to revert to how you had it (put the [outbound@cetecerp.com] back in the previous config setting how it was).
At some point we have little control over how customers’ inboxes perceive incoming mail from the standardize mail forwarder “SendGrid”. You could have customers whitelabel anything “@cetecerp.com” perhaps.
Alternatively you could just download the PDFs from Cetec and attach on your own outgoing email via outlook.
Are there any options to configure the SMTP settings/ security settings? One of the big reasons we purchased CETEC was the ability to quote out of it efficiently.
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