As requested before i’d like to have the above linked feature implemented as billable hours.
However I would like to understand the process when getting features like this implemented.
I need to know that we get the functionality we need.
So do I get to speak to someone in the development team to make sure we understand each other?
So for example if I recieve a line on a PO and split that lines QTY into 10 lines.
Will I be able to batch print those then? and can I then proceed with the next line on the PO and repeat the process.
Will development team make some sort of mockup that is presented to us before we take the Go ahead decision?
The typical process is, a development request comes goes through the support channel, in this case the forum, and gets scoped out with a Cetec support rep so we can get review with engineering and provide a determination and an estimate. Engineering time is billable which is why the support it is usually scoped out through the proper support channels. If you feel it’s needed though, we can set up a billable call with an engineer.
For this development request, it is a batch print all button when multiple receipts are being generated at a time. So you split the qty into 10 lines from the receipt page, click the receipt button, all the receipts generate and we would add a batch print all button. The notable thing here is the batch print all button must be selected on this page as there is not another means of batch printing receipts presently.
The development team does not present any mockup data, so the goal here is to make sure the scope of the development is clearly captured and communicated. Once we get an approval from you to begin development, engineering will develop the feature to be released in a future version of Cetec ERP. Currently we release a new version quarterly.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!
Hi @cetecerp25 ,
This sounds good.
Just to clarify… If i navigate away from the page after having pressed the receive button and generated the receipts, then my chance to batch print is gone? Is that what you are saying?
But I could not just cancel the receipt and redo it if I accidently navigated away from the batch print page, Right?
So will you send me a formal document for this order so i can formally approve start of development or is it enough to say yes please here?
That’s correct, if you navigate away from the page there will not be a way to repopulate the batch print button. Un-receiving would technically allow you to receive again to repopulate, but this would require going into each generated receipt to unreceive.
You can give an approval for the develop here or I can have a quote emailed to you if you rather.
That’s correct, if you navigate away from the page there will not be a way to repopulate the batch print button. Un-receiving would technically allow you to receive again to repopulate, but this would require going into each generated receipt to unreceive.
Alright, that is less than optimal.
Could you not just make a custom document on the PO object that looped through the receipts there and batch print all the receipts connected to that PO?
From our perspective it is not super important from which context the batch print is available, I just want my staff not have to open 36 new tabs and have to press print 36 times in order for us to be able to give our arriving goods an identity.
I reviewed your request further with engineering and if you’d rather, we can create print all receipt labels feature on the PO document page. Does this work better for you? This will take us over 5 hours, but engineering said they could still do a 5 hour fix bid with this.
I confirmed with engineering and that’s the one we’ll use. Do you want me to go ahead and assign the development task to them? I can have an order acknowledgment sent to you once the order is created.