
Why can’t I change this resale?
no pricing rules apply.
I have spent the last hour trying to figure this out.
Obviously, this is a stock order and I do not want a resale in that field!
and also that is not what we even sell it for… where did it get that price?

This is completely holding up me working

Please respond I have not been able to enter this order.
Thank you


Apologies for the delay on an answer here. I am going to escalate this to engineering and get back to you. It is odd that it won’t let you change the resale at all. The resale value is coming from the default resale on the part record: Cetec ERP That is coming from the pricing rule on the pricing page here: Cetec ERP

It should allow you to change the resale though which it isn’t doing so I will escalate that issue for you.


Cetec ERP Support


It looks like the reason you can’t change the resale is someone set force resale on the part record.Cetec ERP


If you uncheck that you will be able to edit the resale.


Cetec ERP Support

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