Resident Hosted Documents not always generating

In Feb/Mar of 2020 Cetec made a change to the way we maintain and hold documents. The reasons for doing this include:

  • Additional flexibility for API users.
  • Better QoS for heavy users of documents.
  • More adequate handling of “separation of concerns”.

We have noticed that as a result of this, occasionally, some resident hosted users have reported documents not generating & linking properly from various sections of Cetec.
The two most notable cases were:
Quote Email does not save a copy of the Quote Document in Quotes > Document. (Or, it does, but when clicking on the document it says “error document not found”).
When printing a Packing Slip, it showed properly on the screen, but after returning to Order > Documents (or Invoice > Documents) the document that claimed to have been generated said “error, document not found”.

If you have experienced this, please check the config:
url_base. It should match how you connect to the Cetec Server with the caveat that it MUST be an FQDN. (google that if you need).
So, if you are operating behind a firewall, and only using http instead of https, then you should set url_base to:
if you use https, be sure to make your url_base to:
Note, that in neither case is there a trailing /

If you are experiencing this issue as a cloud user, or that didn’t solve the issue, please let us know!