Sales by Part Error

When I click on a part number from the Sales by Part Number list I receive and Error 500.
Also, we are no longer able to access the help tab as it is no longer visable on screen.
Please let me know.


I didn’t receive an error when clicking on that link. Are you the only one receiving that error? The help tab has been updated and moved and is now only available to standard and enterprise customers as detailed in 4.12 release notes: Cetec ERP Version 4.12 You can always access our help resources on our website


Cetec ERP Support

Thank you for the response. Yes, it is only me that this is happening to.


I was able to replicate the issue and I’m escalating this to engineering. I will get back to you ASAP with an update.


Cetec ERP Support


Engineering has fixed this issue for you and you are good to go!


Cetec ERP Support

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