schedule errors

We are having many issues with our scheduling. I was going to test out some stuff and even from the very start and trying to commit to order i have an error with each line i made. Any thoughts on why i am receiving: Line has a date set before today or is blank! ? today is 7-21…


That isn’t an error it’s just a notice. that doesn’t prevent you from entering the order. You will need to set a bill to for that order before you can commit the order. Those notices pop up when they see strange things on the order. It means your work start date, ship date, or dock date might have a date on it that is before today.

Let me know if you have more questions.


Cetec ERP Support

Can you describe what you mean “a Bill to”. I looked around in the customer for something that would need set up but i didn’t see anything relating to “Bill to”. I see the line to search by but i don’t see how a field “bill to” that i can enter info into.


This is one the customer record under addresses. You need to add an address and bill to is one of the options. That is what it is looking for.


Cetec ERP Support