Schedule Freezing

Our cetec production gantt chart & work order schedule is not loading.
I have tried this on multiple users and different PC same issue.
They both have been spinning for 40mins - 1hr now



We will have one of our engineering team members look into what might be causing this for you, and report back to you as soon as possible on this thread.

An aside: please note that we are contractually obligated to prioritize provision of support to requests incoming from customers who are on a support plan with Cetec ERP. As your company is currently running Cetec ERP unsupported, we will update you on the forum here as soon as our engineering/support capacity allows.

Please do contact us ( if at any point you would like for your company to be on a support plan.


It looks like on some date in August, there was a work location that inadvertently got 26,000 schedule entries scheduled into it. That vast quantity of entries on a single day was causing some of these pages to timeout.

We’ve refactored this and put a fix in place that should prevent this from happening in the future. I think some quirk in your setup was causing the code to behave in an unexpected way. We’ve created a fix that should protect from this in the future.

Could you please try rescheduling forwards this work order 173.1 and reply on this topic if it fails to schedule. This should allow your overall gantt chart to load properly as well.

Apologies for the frustration here.



FYI - there were a few work orders suffering from this same symptom that was causing systemic slowness in scheduling.

Now that our fix has been released, these four work orders simply needed to be rescheduled to get scheduling in working order and no longer timing out. So, things should be fixed and stable moving forward from here.

You can see work orders 173.1-7, 130.1-1, 173.1-37, and 173.1-38. We manually rescheduled those in order to get this situation resolved, so please review those work orders and make sure their dates are okay, and please reschedule them if you need to to get the schedule straight on those work orders.

Thank you, and our apologies for this.

Cetec ERP Team

@Eduff lets try and reschedule

Production Gantt chart isn’t working again. It sits there and spins all day

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