While entering new BOMs or trying to edit existing BOMs, we cannot add anything to the scrap factor. This first started yesterday, but was hoping it would be ok today, but still isn’t working. We enter in a number and after updating, goes right back to 0.

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I’m seeing this to. I’m escalating this to our product management team.

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I am noticing this issue as well. For added info, when you try to update a scrap factor that is already set, it goes back to what it was set to before.

Scrap factor is still not working. Any updates yet?

Hello, the engineers have created a fix for this and you should see it on your side of things on Wednesday. We apologize for the interruption this is causing. It looks like things should be up and running for you soon.

2 posts were split to a new topic: Issue with Scrap Factor on BOM