Ship Qty Changing on Order

Shipping Dept incorrectly entered wrong qty shipped and it changed the entire order. Which setting under Admin should be changed so that the qty shipped can not override the order qty?

We just had that happen this afternoon, too! Fortunately Shipping/Receiving realized what they did as soon as they did it and we were able to correct it immediately.

I am glad your shipping department was able to catch it. Unfortunately ours did not and it went to the customer incorrectly.

@jennb @sbeausoleil

Hey Jennifer and Sherri!

The reason the qty due was changed at the invoice/ship screen (which also impacted the order qty) was due to a config setting that you currently have activated in your environment.

If you go to Admin >> Config Settings >> Config Settings and input Allow Invoice Qty > Qty Due into the Name field… hit submit you’ll see that config setting was activated (value of 1 in it’s field) on 2024-07-09 10:46:24 AM.

Having that config setting activated allows users to input a Ship Qty that’s greater than the Qty Due on the invoice/ship screen… and when that Ship Qty is set to a higher qty & the invoice/ship screen is updated via the Update button… it’ll override the qty due on the order as well to match that new Qty Due on the invoice/ship screen.

If you turn that config setting off (set Allow Invoice Qty > Qty Due to 0 and click set) the system will block any invoices that are generated when the Ship Qty is greater than the Qty Due.

Cetec ERP Support

Interesting and nice to know, thank you!

Checked in with the team and apparently we started out not allowing ship quantities to be changed in Shipping/Receiving - but since we are able to ship small overruns of product to our customers without additional approval - it is easier for us to allow shipping to change the quantity than not. Pros and cons!

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