SQL Error on Receipts Pending Put Away List

i think i’ve tracked it down to the system not accepting my password–the password i was using prior to the update is now too long or some characters that are no longer acceptable. don’t know but something for @cetecerp13 to look into furhter.

Also, the email password reset on the login screen no longer sends emails to reset the password.

Lastly, still seeing some SQL errors. We can’t put away receipts, for instance

Hello @cetecerp13 SQL errors still present

@cetecerp15 @cetecerp13

We tried the prior recommendations but it did not resolve the errors:

  • login to your server as root, then run:
    systemctl reload cetecerp

still getting SQL errors with all inventory transactions @cetecerp13 even after rebooting the system from Root.

Error: Invoice Creation Failed: DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_dbh_execute(): DBI Exception: DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Unknown column ‘me.workflow_stage_id’ in ‘field list’ [for Statement “SELECT me.id, me.prcpart, me.location, me.status, me.trackingnum, me.po_line_id, me.receipt_id, me.orig_fifoix_id, me.qty_inspected, me.qty_passed, me.qty_failed, me.inspection_type_id, me.comments, me.resolution_comments, me.inspected_by_id, me.inspected_at, me.returned_by_id, me.returned_on, me.ncr_id, me.workflow_stage_id, me.is_imported, me.imported_date FROM incoming_inspections me WHERE ( po_line_id = ? ) LIMIT ?” with ParamValues: 0=6841, 1=1] at /home/Cetec-ERP/lib/Cetec/Reboot/Schema/ResultSet/FIFOIX.pm line 118

Hi @Greg ,

Our engineering team is going to look into this error right now. We will report back once we’ve heard from them.


That error has been resolved for you. Looks like there was a dependency that was supposed to get installed during the update that didn’t go through as expected. Engineering was able to complete that install and run the process that needed it so that your database has the appropriate columns now.

Sorry for the extra hassle there. Please let us know if you run in to any other problems.

great. thank you. just confirmed transactions are working correctly.