Tax Summary List Report on New Version

Good day CETEC friends,

When we export a report for the tax summary the report has a lot of error information where it should have numbers associated with it. For some reason it’s exporting in a bad way but the report is fast! Can we get this fixed?[]&__pageIndex__=0&__pageSize__=25&__reload__=1&from_date=2024-01-01&to_date=2024-03-31&report_type=summary&date_type=invoice_date


Apologies for the delay on an answer here! I am going to escalate this to engineering and get back to you ASAP.


Cetec ERP Support

Thank you. Also, now the commission total is no longer showing on the Invoice Vendor Commission Report. Cetec ERP


We have a fix for that commission issue already! It should go out to you in the next 10-14 days.


Cetec ERP Support

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Engineering has a fix for the tax list. It should go out to you in the next 10-14 days. Apologies for the delay and the issue with the tax list.


Cetec ERP Support

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