Traceability anomaly - Lot/Date code attached to Serialized Part

I’ve noticed an issue on the Details/Serials page of an invoice for some recently manufactured parts…

Parts are ASY000001 built on this work order. (/invoice/4462/part_details). These were then “sold” and invoiced on this Sales Order…(/invoice/4485/part_details). There are multiple SN#'s that this affects but for example, SN# 21310022, you can see that the Date code/Lot code are different…

I’m trying to figure out what happened?

searching based on the Part’s Serial #, it shows up with the incorrect source PO, Date code and lot code. Note the SN#'s of the units on Invoice 2357.1…its 2047000x and not 213100xx

for SN# 21310022,

the Source PO# should be “4615.1”
the date code should be “2131”
the lot code should be " 4615.1-1"

invoice 2357.1 has completely different SN’s…


Thank you for bringing this to our attention, it does look like because the config setting “Serials - Default Serials To Component Serials If Present” is active it is using the serial number again and updating the date code and lote code to match the ‘Sales Order’. This is to mark that serial with the date of sale.

That is currently what is happening with the Date Code and Lot Code being changed for the same Serial number.

When looking at the PO 4615.1 (the original source PO) this PO is still open and does not have any reciepts made from it. The Source PO 2357.1 was from invoice 2506.1 (/invoice/2367/part_details) here is where the serial 21310022 which is supposed to be from PO 2357.1 is not even on the invoice serials for 2506.1

We will get a case together to test this out and work on a fix for you. We will get back to you as soon as we have an update.

Best Regards,

Thanks for looking into this.

Hello Regis,

Thank you for being patient with us on this as we investigate into the Serial data on the Serial List. The data there will show due to the merge activity that field will be unreliable as the tracability is broken with the merges.

However, this data showing on the serial link if you click into the link in the serial column. (/invoice/serial_history?prcpart=ASY000001&serial=21310022) This will then show you the correct invoices where it was created and used.

Hope this helps explain the serial data shown and what can break that connection. Let us know if you have any questions.


Is there a plan to manage the traceability such that it doesn’t break when parts are merged into bins?

While reviewing the page based on the link you sent, I noticed that the “Ext Resale” value under shipped invoices portion does not match the actual price on the invoice…

for example: (/invoice/serial_history?prcpart=ASY000004&serial=21260001)